CfA: 2021 Postgraduate Research Seminar. Korean Studies and Asia Pacific Studies. (first deadline: 2021-02-05) (online)


The Institute for the Study of the Asia Pacific (ISAP) and the International Institute of Korean Studies (IKSU) at the University of Central Lancashire have launched annual postgraduate research seminar series for both MA and PhD students in the UK. Postgraduate students whose dissertation/thesis is related to Korea (both North and South), East Asia or the Asia Pacific are invited to apply for the seminar.

Successful applicants will be invited to the seminar for presentations. A group of academic members from various universities will provide feedback on your research after the presentations.

At the end of the seminar, we will select best research as following:

Two MA First places: £200 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher (1 for KS, 1 for APS)

Two MA Second places: £100 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher (1 for KS, 1 for APS)

Two MA Third places: £50 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher (1 for KS, 1 for APS)

One PhD First place: £200 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher

One PhD Second place: £100 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher

One PhD Third place: £50 equivalent Waterstones Book Voucher

Who can apply: students enrolled in MA or PhD programme in the UK with their dissertation/thesis topics related to Korea, East Asia or the Asia Pacific.

How to apply:

Brief Dissertation/Thesis: short version of your on-going dissertation/thesis up to 5,000 words in MS word format.

Dissertation/Thesis Submission Deadline: 5 February 2021 (submit to

Notice for Shortlisted Applicants: 5 March 2021

Presentation file submission for shortlisted applicants: summary of your dissertation/thesis for 10-minute presentation in MS ppt format.

Presentation file Submission Deadline: 20 March 2021 (submit to

PG Research Seminar: 24 March 2021 (via MS TEAMS online).

Assessment Board: a group of academics from relevant departments of universities in the UK.