Activism in Contemporary Japan – New Ideas, Players, and Arenas?
Internationale Tagung
5.–7. November 2015
Universität Zürich
Diese Konferenz fokussiert auf neueste Entwicklungen im Bereich des Aktivismus in Japan, und wird sich neben historischen und theoretischen Aspekten auch mit aktuellen Bewegungen, wie z.B. der Gruppe SEALDs befassen. Darüber hinaus werden Aktivisten aus Japan zu Wort kommen und über ihre aktuellen Projekte berichten.
Das Programm im Überblick:
Donnerstag, 5.11.2015
15:00–16:00: Keynote Speech
Prof. Dr. Patricia Steinhoff (University of Hawai’i) “Theorizing about Activism with Japanese Research: Does It Challenge or Clarify European and American Perspectives?”
16:00–16:30: Panel 1 Established Forms of Activism
Prof. Dr. Gesine Foljanty-Jost (Martin-Luther-University Halle- Wittenberg) “The Citizen as a Partner of State: Local Activism for a Better Community”
Dr. Christian Dimmer (University of Tokyo) “Connecting Old and New Activism: (Re)assembling Japan’s “First Collective House” Kankanmori, Tokyo”
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt (University of Hamburg) “Images, Frames and Norms in Times of Nation Building: Lessons to be Learned from the Emergence and Failure of the Okinawa Reversion Movement”
Freitag, 6.11.2015
9:30–11:00 Panel 2 Theoretical Perspectives on Activism in Japan
Prof. Dr. Simon Avenell (Australian National University) “A Transnational Perspective on Japanese Environmental Activism“
Prof. Dr. Fabian Schäfer (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen- Nuremberg)
”Antagonisms and Algorithms: Social Non-Movements and the Semi-Public Sphere in Post-3/11 Japan”
Prof. Dr. Yutaka Tsujinaka (University of Tsukuba) “Civic Activism, Community Service and For-profit Organization- Government Collaboration in Japan: Political Regime and Civil Society in Comparative Perspective”
11:30–13:00 Panel 3 Emergent Forms of Activism
Prof. Dr. Carl Cassegård (University of Gothenburg) “Public Space, Counter-space and No-man’s-land: The Role of Space in Homeless Activism in Contemporary Japan”
Dr. Julia Obinger (University of Zurich / SOAS London) “Political Consumerism in Japan – Actors, Aims and Outcomes”
Prof. Dr. Apichai Shipper (Georgetown University) “Immigrants’ Rights Activism and Xenophobic Activism in Japan”
14:30–16:30 Panel 4 Voices of Japanese Activists (Discussion will be in Japanese)
Discussant: Prof. Dr. Yoshitaka Mōri (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Shiraishi Hajime (Journalist and Activist, Tokyo)
Sakurada Kazuya (Media Activist and Lecturer, Osaka)
Narita Keisuke (Activist ‘Irregular Rhythm Asylum, ’ Tokyo)
Samstag, 7.11.2015
9:00–10:30 Panel 5 Post-Fukushima Activism (Anti-nuclear Protests and Reconstruction Efforts)
Prof. Dr. Koichi Hasegawa (Tohoku University, Sendai) “The Effects of ‘Social Expectation’ on the Development of Civil Society in Japan”
Ayaka Löschke, M.A. (University of Zurich) “The Social Activism of Mothers Against Radiation after the Disaster of Fukushima”
Prof. Dr. David Slater (Sophia University, Japan) “Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy”
Das ausführliche Programm mit Abstracts und weiteren Informationen finden Sie unter
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