Boundary Pushing in Asian Studies: Editors’ Roundtable

February 11, 2023
11:00am-12:30pm Eastern Time
This roundtable is part of the “Boundary Pushing in Asian Studies” workshop organized by the editors of the Journal of Asian Studies in partnership with the Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh.
Editors of leading journals — Tina Chen (Verge: Studies in Global Asias), Suzy Kim (positions: asia critique), Sumit Guha (Modern Asian Studies), Paolo Sartori (Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient), Hyung Gu Lynn (Pacific Affairs), and Andrea Jain (Journal of the American Academy of Religion) — will join Joseph Alter, Purnima Dhavan, Kelly Anne Hammond, Kate McDonald, and Albert Park (Journal of Asian Studies).
Each editor will talk briefly about their experience highlighting things that are especially important for early career scholars to know and understand about the peer review process. This will be followed by Q&A with participants in the workshop. Registration is free and the roundtable is open to the public.
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