Call for Panels: DGA-Tagung Gegenwärtiges Asien / DGA Conference on Contemporary Asia 2023


Sustainability “Made in Asia” – Challenges, Trends and Opportunities

The German Association for Asian Studies is inviting panel proposals for its biennial conference which will be held from 1 to 3 March 2023 in Rostock. The deadline for the submission of panel proposals is 31 July 2022.

Sustainability has come a long way from a fuzzy concept to a guiding principle that sets the tone for the global discourse on the future development of humanity. Sustainability is not restricted to the natural environment but also extends to social, political, economic, and cultural resources and contexts. Thus, sustainability goes beyond environmentalism and also encompasses social equity, economic development, political change any many other dimensions. Against this background we invite proposals for panels that look at the many faces of sustainability in relation to Asia or from an Asian perspective.

The Conference on Contemporary Asia 2023 provides the framework for an interdisciplinary exchange and is thus aimed at a broad range of disciplines as well as subject areas that deal with sustainability at different levels. Contributions based on research (empirical-qualitative and -quantitative), theoretical-systematic works as well as reflected practical contributions are welcome.

The panel proposals should specify the topic, explain its relevance, provide an overview of the panel idea (max. 400 words) and include the contact details of the panel convenor. Names of panel contributors and the titles of their papers can already be included in the proposal but this is not an obligation.

The conference organisers will notify applicants by 25 August 2022 about the outcome of their proposal. This notification will be followed by a call for papers for the accepted panels. All participants will have an opportunity to submit their papers for a special issue of the journal ASIEN. Panel convenors will – in cooperation with the conference organisers — select papers and prepare the panels.

Please follow for panel submission.

If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties in using the electronic system, please contact the conference organising team,

We look forward to your proposals!