CESS Conference keynotes announced; Submit proposals by March 21


The CESS 2019 conference committee announced that there are two keynote speakers at this year’s Annual Conference. They are: Mohira Suyarkulova and Harsha Ram.

More information about the keynotes is posted on the conference website.

Submissions of proposals to present at the Annual Conference are being accepted until March 21, 2019.

You can submit using one of two links, both available HERE.

1. If you want to submit an individual paper for consideration, choose the relevant category from the drop down list. This will take you to the submission form for that category.
2. If you want to submit a Pre-Organized Panel, Author-Critic Forum, Book-in-Progress Panel, Roundtable or Workshop, click on the big blue button. Remember to allow enough time before the March 21 deadline for all the participants in your session to add their information/abstracts to the system (you will be emailed a link to share with them).