The Modern Japan History Workshop (MJHW) at Sophia University (Yotsuya Campus) invites scholars who would like to present or workshop ongoing research at its monthly meeting(s) for AY 2024-2025.  Slots for presentations are available from December 2024 onwards, with presentation dates set in coordination between individual speakers, the workshop host, and organizer.

The MJHW is an informal, English-language forum that has provided a place for scholars of all disciplines to discuss their research in Tokyo for over forty years.  (Previous talks at the MJHW can be accessed here.)  Notifications for upcoming talks and other events are also available through the MJHW Google Group.

Potential presenters are encouraged to refer to the MJHW’s Guidelines for Presenters for specific criteria.  We especially welcome presentations from graduate students, both PhD candidates and Master’s students, developing their dissertation topics in any field in Japan’s modern period.

If you are interested in presenting, please send an email with your preferences for scheduling to joelle.nazzicone[at]