CfP: China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean


The main purpose of this edited volume is to examine the history, the outcomes, and the implications of the contests and contestations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC/China) and the Republic of China (ROC/Taiwan) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Although the Chinese Civil War ended in 1949, the warring factions – the Kuomintang and the forces of the Chinese Communist Party – never signed a formal peace agreement. One of the unintended consequences of the war was that there has never been a unified China. But rather, the losing side fled to form a new country called Taiwan; while the victor remained and governs mainland China.

Although expelled from mainland China, the Kuomintang-led government nonetheless considered itself the true government of China, the only legitimate representative of the Chinese people. Was it? This question was put to rest when the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758, which passed in October 1971, affirmed the PRC as the representative of China. One of the implications of the resolution was that there was and there is only “One China,” with Taiwan considered as one of the provinces of China.

Despite the UN resolution, many countries – especially in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean — recognized and had diplomatic relations with Taiwan. China, understandably, was livid and embarked on an aggressive foreign policy that systematically saw to the switching of sides and the eventual diplomatic isolation of Taiwan. To say China has been successful in terms of its intentions toward Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean is an understatement. As of April 2022, for instance, Taiwan is left with just fourteen allies around the world – with eight of those in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some scholars have argued that within this decade, Taiwan may be left with no allies in the region.

China and Taiwan have a rich and enduring history of engagement with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that is worth examining. China’s foreign policy agenda, and how Taiwan reacted to China’s move, are also worth investigating. We are also interested in exploring the immediate and future implications of China’s ascendancy and Taiwan’s isolation on the region’s political, economic, and social space. Furthermore, we are interested in understanding why countries (in Latin America and the Caribbean) that spent decades fighting for their independence would ignore the appeal of a country (Taiwan) that has met all the requirements for statehood and territorial sovereignty.

“China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean” is a complex, sensitive, and important matter. Consequently, negative propaganda or insolence towards either country will not be tolerated. We invite scholars, public intellectuals, and others to submit abstracts on the topics listed below. Other than the suggested topics, interested contributors are at liberty to suggest and or write on other topics if their subject matter falls within the overall thrust of the book. The suggested topics are:

Section 1: History and Foreign Policy

  1. The Early History of China and Taiwan in Latin America
  2. The Early History of China and Taiwan in the Caribbean
  3. China’s Foreign Policy in Latin America
  4. China’s Foreign Policy in the Caribbean
  5. Taiwan’s Foreign Policy in the Caribbean
  6. Taiwan’s Foreign Policy in Latin America

Section 2: Case Studies – Diplomatic Fidelity or Switching of Sides

  1. Nicaragua, Panama, and Haiti
  2. The Dominican Republic and Trinidad/Tobago
  3. Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
  4. Brazil and Colombia#
  5. Chile and Barbados
  6. Mexico and Jamaica

Section 3: Bilateral and Multilateral Engagements

  1. Security and Defense
  2. Loans and Investments
  3. Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI)
  4. Development Assistance
  5. Energy Issues
  6. Immigration

Section 4: Issues and Policy Approach

  1. Challenges Facing China in Latin America and the Caribbean
  2. Challenges Facing Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean
  3. Chinese Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean
  4. Taiwanese Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. The USA Factor in China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean
  6. The USA Factor in Taiwan’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean

Submission/Due Date

• Please submit a 300-350-word abstract plus a 150-250-word biography (About the Author) by 15 June 2022.
• You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract by 30 June 2022.
• Your chapter, 7500-8000 words (excluding the references), is due 31 October 2022.
• Please send your abstract and related inquiries to and please cc the lead editor at:

About the Editors

Dr. Cassandra R. Veney is the Executive Director of the Humanities in Leadership Learning Series at Case Western Reserve University. She has authored, edited, and co-edited books on forced migration in Africa, US-Africa Relations, conflicts and development in Africa, and leisure in urban Africa. She is a member of the advisory board for Palgrave-Macmillan’s Contemporary African Political Economy Series; and a member of the editorial board for Africa Insight Journal.

Dr. Sabella O. Abidde is a Professor of Political Science at Alabama State University. He is the author/editor/co-editor of books on Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa-China-Taiwan Relations. He is a member of the American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS); the Latin American Studies Association (LASA); and the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA).

Contact Info:
Dr. Sabella O. Abidde
Department of History & Political Science
Alabama State University
Montgomery, AL
Contact Email:

CfP: China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean


The main purpose of this edited volume is to examine the history, the outcomes, and the implications of the contests and contestations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC/China) and the Republic of China (ROC/Taiwan) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Although the Chinese Civil War ended in 1949, the warring factions – the Kuomintang and the forces of the Chinese Communist Party – never signed a formal peace agreement. One of the unintended consequences of the war was that there has never been a unified China. But rather, the losing side fled to form a new country called Taiwan; while the victor remained and governs mainland China.

Although expelled from mainland China, the Kuomintang-led government nonetheless considered itself the true government of China, the only legitimate representative of the Chinese people. Was it? This question was put to rest when the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758, which passed in October 1971, affirmed the PRC as the representative of China. One of the implications of the resolution was that there was and there is only “One China,” with Taiwan considered as one of the provinces of China.

Despite the UN resolution, many countries – especially in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean — recognized and had diplomatic relations with Taiwan. China, understandably, was livid and embarked on an aggressive foreign policy that systematically saw to the switching of sides and the eventual diplomatic isolation of Taiwan. To say China has been successful in terms of its intentions toward Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean is an understatement. As of April 2022, for instance, Taiwan is left with just fourteen allies around the world – with eight of those in Latin America and the Caribbean. Some scholars have argued that within this decade, Taiwan may be left with no allies in the region.

China and Taiwan have a rich and enduring history of engagement with countries in Latin America and the Caribbean that is worth examining. China’s foreign policy agenda, and how Taiwan reacted to China’s move, are also worth investigating. We are also interested in exploring the immediate and future implications of China’s ascendancy and Taiwan’s isolation on the region’s political, economic, and social space. Furthermore, we are interested in understanding why countries (in Latin America and the Caribbean) that spent decades fighting for their independence would ignore the appeal of a country (Taiwan) that has met all the requirements for statehood and territorial sovereignty.

“China and Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean” is a complex, sensitive, and important matter. Consequently, negative propaganda or insolence towards either country will not be tolerated. We invite scholars, public intellectuals, and others to submit abstracts on the topics listed below. Other than the suggested topics, interested contributors are at liberty to suggest and or write on other topics if their subject matter falls within the overall thrust of the book. The suggested topics are:

Section 1: History and Foreign Policy

  1. The Early History of China and Taiwan in Latin America
  2. The Early History of China and Taiwan in the Caribbean
  3. China’s Foreign Policy in Latin America
  4. China’s Foreign Policy in the Caribbean
  5. Taiwan’s Foreign Policy in the Caribbean
  6. Taiwan’s Foreign Policy in Latin America

Section 2: Case Studies – Diplomatic Fidelity or Switching of Sides

  1. Nicaragua, Panama, and Haiti
  2. The Dominican Republic and Trinidad/Tobago
  3. Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
  4. Brazil and Colombia#
  5. Chile and Barbados
  6. Mexico and Jamaica

Section 3: Bilateral and Multilateral Engagements

  1. Security and Defense
  2. Loans and Investments
  3. Belt and Road Initiatives (BRI)
  4. Development Assistance
  5. Energy Issues
  6. Immigration

Section 4: Issues and Policy Approach

  1. Challenges Facing China in Latin America and the Caribbean
  2. Challenges Facing Taiwan in Latin America and the Caribbean
  3. Chinese Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean
  4. Taiwanese Communities in Latin America and the Caribbean
  5. The USA Factor in China’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean
  6. The USA Factor in Taiwan’s Engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean

Submission/Due Date

• Please submit a 300-350-word abstract plus a 150-250-word biography (About the Author) by 15 June 2022.
• You will be notified of the acceptance or rejection of your abstract by 30 June 2022.
• Your chapter, 7500-8000 words (excluding the references), is due 31 October 2022.
• Please send your abstract and related inquiries to and please cc the lead editor at:

About the Editors

Dr. Cassandra R. Veney is the Executive Director of the Humanities in Leadership Learning Series at Case Western Reserve University. She has authored, edited, and co-edited books on forced migration in Africa, US-Africa Relations, conflicts and development in Africa, and leisure in urban Africa. She is a member of the advisory board for Palgrave-Macmillan’s Contemporary African Political Economy Series; and a member of the editorial board for Africa Insight Journal.

Dr. Sabella O. Abidde is a Professor of Political Science at Alabama State University. He is the author/editor/co-editor of books on Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa-China-Taiwan Relations. He is a member of the American Association for Chinese Studies (AACS); the Latin American Studies Association (LASA); and the Caribbean Studies Association (CSA).

Contact Info:
Dr. Sabella O. Abidde
Department of History & Political Science
Alabama State University
Montgomery, AL
Contact Email: