CfP: Journal of Korean and Asian Arts (KAA)

The editors warmly welcome submissions to the Journal of Korean and Asian Arts (KAA) Vol. 9. KAA is an open-access journal dedicated to advancing research in Korean and Asian Arts. It is published by the Korean National Research Center for the Arts (KRECA) at the Korea National University of Arts.
We are currently accepting articles encompassing a wide range of topics within Asian arts, including but not limited to music, film, theater, multimedia, dance, visual arts, Korean traditional arts, and arts education. The articles should be original, not exceed 10,000 words, and should not have been previously published elsewhere. All submissions will undergo a double-blind review process to ensure high academic quality. Submitted articles must not contain anything that might identify the author to a reviewer.
Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis until September 1, 2024. If we receive more articles of quality, they will be considered for publication in the next volume. Papers must be submitted electronically through our online submission system on the journal’s website:
KAA is a Platinum/Diamond Open Access journal, which means neither the authors nor the content consumers pay for publication costs. Our institute also provides an honorarium to authors whose papers have been accepted for publication to promote the study of Asian arts.
We are delighted to provide assistance throughout the submission and publication process. For more information, please visit our website or contact our editorial office at kaa_kreca[at]