CfP: New Japanese Sinology in Translation Series with Chinese University of Hong Kong Press


The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
Call for Proposals: Japanese Sinology in Translation Series

Series Editor
Joshua A. FOGEL (York University, Toronto)

Academic Committee (in alphabetical order)
Thomas P. BARRETT (University of Cambridge, Cambridge)
Pär CASSEL (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
IIYAMA Tomoyasu (Waseda University, Tokyo)
IWAI Shigeki (Kyoto University, Kyoto)
David B. LURIE (Columbia University)

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Japanese Sinology in Translation Series, which will be published by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press in collaboration with Professor Joshua A. Fogel and his colleagues. The series will provide English translations of Japanese writings on Chinese history and culture. Japanese Sinology has long played a leading role in China Studies, contributing unique perspectives in terms of methodology and theory. However, the accessibility of this research has long been relatively limited in the Anglophone world. The series is the first of its kind, dedicated to publishing high-quality academic scholarship about China by both prominent and promising Japanese scholars to bridge the gap between Japanese and Western scholarship, fostering a greater exchange of ideas and knowledge. The series will feature a wide range of publications, including full-length monographs, collections of essays by a specific author, or a set of essays on a specific topic by different Japanese authors.

To submit a proposal, please email Professor Joshua A. Fogel ( who will share it with the Academic Committee. The proposal should include:

  • Title of the proposed work of translation
  • A brief synopsis of the work, the rationale for its translation, and an explanation of the relevance of the work to the Japanese Sinology in Translation Series
  • A brief account of the author(s) and/or translator(s)
  • A sample translation from the proposed text

Proposals will undergo review by the Academic Committee. The decision-making process typically takes no longer than two weeks. Once a proposal is accepted, the prospective translator will be notified. Upon completion, the translated work will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process, ensuring the highest standards of quality and scholarly rigor. External readers will provide valuable feedback to enhance the overall quality of the publication.

We encourage scholars and researchers with expertise in Japanese Sinology and Chinese studies to contribute to this exciting series. We anticipate the first volume in the series, a collection of essays and a short volume by the late Professor Miyazaki Ichisada on the Shi ji, translated by Professor Joshua A. Fogel, to be released by the end of 2024.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together to expand the availability of Japanese research on China in English.

Contact Information
Professor Joshua Fogel (York University):
Dr. Thomas P. Barrett (University of Cambridge):