FU Berlin: EVF Roundtable: Historical and Contemporary Impact of Generational Change on Japanese Politics and Institutions, Nov. 27, 2017


The Graduate School East Asian Studies of FU Berlin invites to a

EVF Roundtable:Historical and Contemporary Impact of Generational Change on Japanese Politics and Institutions

November 27, 2017.

To what degree have generationally-differentiated experiences of domestic and international events impacted Japanese society and its politics in the past? How should the study of past generational transitions inform current social research into generational divergences in Japanese society? This event is comprised of a panel of individual presentations on the Meiji, Taisho, early Showa, and post-war research on the links between generational change and politics, followed by a roundtable discussion of the implications of such research for contemporary Japanese society. The roundtable discussion will focus in particular on whether the controversial social, economic and security policies of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo are indicative of widely-held attitudes of generational groups that will come into power in the post-Abe era.

For further details refer to:
