Global Network and Gender seen from the Seizasha Materials at the NIRC


Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture invites two speakers for a KAKEN workshop on the Seizasha 静坐社.*
* The Seizasha is an organization to practice “quiet sitting” founded by Nobuko Kobayashi in 1927. Her fluency in English opened her global network to accomplish a translation of Makura no sōshi and attracted many Western Zen practitioners who had a hard time sitting zazen.

Global Network and Gender seen from the Seizasha Materials at the NIRC: Crossing Boundaries between English Literature and Religious Studies.”

Date: March 31, 2024, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. (JST)
Venue: NANTO Room, Nanzan Reiners Central Library and Zoom
Speakers: Hidehiko Kurita (Bukkyo University), Tomoe Kumojima (Nara Women’s University)
Commentator: Tomoe Moriya (NIRC)
Language: Japanese

RSVP by March 30 (JST) from the link:

See a flyer:

Along with the event, we will exhibit the Seizasha materials, which include photographs of its members and letters to the founder Kobayashi Nobuko from such people as L. Adams Beck, Ruth Fuller Everett (Sasaki), Dwight Goddard, and Beatrice Lane Suzuki. Please bring an ID to enter the library.

The exhibition of the Seizasha Materials
Date: March 1 – March 28, 2024
Venue: Nanzan Reiners Central Library

See a flyer:

Contact Information

Tomoe Moriya (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture)