Marie Curie Early Career Researchers: PhD studentships


As part of a Marie Curie European Training Network on Global India, coordinated by Dublin City University, King’s India Institute is recruiting for two PhD studentships in the fields of 1) /Cooperative federalism: centre-state relations in the development of social policy in India /(lead supervisor, Louise Tillin) and 2) /Investigating the role of domestic politics in shaping Indian foreign policy /(lead supervisor, Harsh Pant). Full details are available at the following link:

The posts will last three years from September 2017, and the successful applicants will be enrolled on the PhD Contemporary India programme at King’s India Institute. Closing date for applications is May 21st . Worth noting that there are mobility requirements for Marie Curie grants that stipulate that applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, study etc) for more than 12 months in the last 3 years in the host country, in this case the UK.