Myanmar: One Year after the Coup
International Conference, Feb 18–19, 2022
Myanmar Europe Research Network
One year after the coup in Myanmar, T.wai is hosting a hybrid international conference, in partnership with the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society of the University of Turin and with the support of the City of Turin and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
This event will take place both as an in-person conference in Turin and as an online event, allowing remote participation, with the aim of understanding and engaging a deeply contested political reality. We want to know: What are the perspectives of a return to the polls in the short-medium period? Which international actors can influence the course of events? To what extent has the coup impacted on Myanmar’s fragile economy?
The conference will also award organisations and young researchers presenting quality works on Myanmar, and a selection of papers will be published on our website as an e-book in English. Candidates should submit their abstracts by Friday 10 December 2021.
More details on the call for papers available here.
Please note, that this is a hybrid event, no fees are charged, and there are awards for the best papers by under-35 scholars and Myanmar’s organizations working on education.