REMINDER – CfP: Network KITE at SASE Conference


Submission of papers for Network F KITE: Knowledge, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship, included in the SASE 2024 Annual Meeting, is possible until 19 January 2024 (hard deadline) via

We welcome papers from a variety of perspectives, including institutional, strategic, managerial, ethnographic, historical, and behavioural approaches.

We welcome papers and panels around the following themes:   

  • How can innovation policies or programs address grand societal challenges like climate change, rising inequalities, or digitalization?
  • Are the politics and policies of innovation, entrepreneurship and digitalization shifting toward new paradigms in the current era? If so, how and why – and with what effects?
  • How have innovation and technological developments, as well as entrepreneurship and digitalization affected (or been affected by) national models of capitalism?
  • Which institutions shape the emergence of innovation or entrepreneurial ecosystems? As well as social innovation and social entrepreneurship, digitalization, and knowledge work?
  • How do firms’ management and strategies enhance innovation or entrepreneurship?
  • How does the platform economy contribute to or alter the dynamics of innovation?
  • Are university-industry linkages changing in character or importance in innovations systems?
  • What new methods are available to study innovative dynamics?

For the 2024 conference, Network F invites individual paper submissions, submissions for thematic panels, and Author-meets-Critics panels on recently published books. We do not require complete papers to be submitted; all you need to do is submit an extended abstract of no more than 500 words. Submissions should be done through the SASE website (

The deadline for submissions is 19 January 2024 (hard deadline). 

Please direct your questions concerning this network to Cornelia Storz