Reminder/Invitation: Symposium on strengthening the international order and German-Japanese cooperation after the federal election, November 3
A new parliament (Bundestag) was elected in Germany on September 24. Though it is not possible to predict when the new government will be installed, an early discussion about how it can and should act in international politics could make a strong point for expected continuity. Since Germany is a major player in international politics and in the EU the implications of the election is not only of interest in Germany but also for observers and partners from abroad, like Japan, or for the EU.
Against this background the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) supported by the Japanese Embassy organizes a symposium on
After the federal election – How can Germany, the EU and Japan strengthen the international order?
on Friday, November 3, 2017 from 9:30 to 17:30 h
at the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), Saargemünder Str. 2, 14195 Berlin.
Japan and Germany share common values like democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law and attach great importance to international cooperation. Vis-à-vis worrisome developments especially in Japan’s neighborhood and changing priorities of other actors the need to cooperate is even growing.
The conference brings together experts from different fields to discuss the challenges, opportunities and potential governance approaches in international politics. It also aims to enhance the awareness of the German policy makers and the public for Japan’s commitment to the rule of law and international order and provide indications how to form future cooperation of Japan with Germany and the EU.
Languages of the symposium will be German and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation in the morning and English in the afternoon.
For details please refer to the program on our homepage.
For participation please fill out the registration form on our homepage and return it until October 27.