Vortrag an der Uni Hamburg, 03.12.14: India at Crossroads – Again? von Dr. J.A. Dohrmann
India at Crossroads – Again? (India after the elections 2014) AUF ENGLISCH Dr. Jona Aravind Dohrmann, Chairman, Indo-German Cooperation
Wednesday, 3 December 2014, Beginning at 4.15 Universität Hamburg, Asien-Afrika-Institut, room 209 (Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Flügel Ost)
The Indian electorate has voted a strong government into power in Delhi. India had to wait for 30 years to have a stable majority in the Lok Sabha – the House of People – of its Parliament. Even political analysts and pollsters could not have foreseen such a strong swing in the voters preferences. The mandate for the BJP-led government under its enigmatic leader Narendra Modi may or may not mean a departure from the known structures of Indian party politics. Often have the political pundits intoned the swan song for the time-honoured Congress Party. Voices are being raised in their political quarters, that Priyanka Vadra, née Gandhi, join the political fray in order to save the party which seems to be withering away with every new election in the country. These elections also raise questions regarding the economic outlook of the country and foremost regarding its socio-political fabric. Will communalism gain the upper hand, will discrimination of “the other” become a normalcy in India? These and other doubts shall be highlighted in Dr. Jona Aravind Dohrmann’s input in the Hamburg University.