Xindian cemetery book, crowdfunding project


On Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 5:45 PM James Morris <> wrote:

I have a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo that with only 10 days left, and am trying to reach out to academia to help me reach my goal. Below is a link to the campaign. The funds go to offset the writing/research time and translation costs. The link also includes information about the book and what I hope to accomplish with it. It’s academic in nature, but I’m writing it in a way to be accessible to general audiences, with a focus on my photography from the field.

Could you please forward this to any of your colleagues who may be interested? It would be a great help, and there are some nice awards during the campaign period as a way to say thank you.



P.S. I was recently interviewed by New Bloom Magazine about the book. This may also provide some more information about the project.

James X. Morris
National Chengchi University